Oh Carolina!

My journey through Kenan-Flagler Business School of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A short break

The last week was a very hectic one. I had set a deadline of today to get my roommate and my brother both fully settled in so I can head to Florida for a short break before orientation starts. I was surprised at the prices of used cars in the Triangle area. The cars we were considering were at least two grand more expensive than they cost in the neighboring states. I had even started considering buying the cars for them from Florida. Fortunately, we found some sweet deals that took care of them both. I had quickly introduced them both to Craigslist as part of their America 101 crash course. There was a lot of driving all over town to check out different cars but on the bright side, I pretty much know all the major places in the Raleigh-Durham area now. My last word to them before heading to the airport was that they both needed to make mapquest or mappoint their good friends from hereon.

Orientation starts for International students on Friday and for everyone else next Monday. It’ll run from 8 in the morning till 9pm daily with some few breaks in between. In other words, the famous Mod1 starts in one week. I’ve heard so much about how crazy the first semester (Mods 1 & 2) will be. I am glad I attended ASW (Pre-Term) as it’s tuned me into the academics wavelength. I don’t mean to scare those just coming in without attending ASW but they’ll need to get into the flow of things ASAP and hit the ground running right away. This might take some work.

The heat wave across the country still continues. Surprisingly, the triangle area of North Carolina has been much hotter than Florida. Need to sign off now; the plane is about to land.


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